Keith Errington

marketing strategy
07860 267155

‘You’ve reached the website of Keith Errington.
I’m sorry I’m not here to talk to you personally.
But you can ring my mobile on 07860 267155
- otherwise, please have a look around,
leave a
message and I’ll get back to you.’
On this website you will find my blog - thoughts, tips, explanations and ideas on digital marketing, a brief biography for those who don't know me or want to see if my experience lends authority to my words, things I can do for you - the services I provide - like marketing strategy, social media training, design training, and consulting - and a list of organisations I have worked with - which will give you a good idea of my reputation and the level of business I am capable of handling.

Finally, there is a contact page - please feel free to contact me about anything - even just to say you dropped by, or that you love my copywriting…

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